Cookie Notices and Cookie Consent Explained
Cookies are integral to the way modern websites work. Most personalisation and social media integration on websites relies on cookies in one way or another. However they can be used in a way that doesn’t benefit visitors, and they are often used to track people across the web, and build up profiles that are very valuable to brands and advertisers for targeted marketing. This is often seen as an invasion of privacy, and because cookies are a fairly quiet technology – this can be happening to you without you realising it, or being able to stop it if you wanted to. To help you become more aware of this activity, and give you a say in whether you want to allow it to happen, new EU-wide privacy legislation was put in place in 2011. This has become known as the Cookie Law. The Cookie Law requires that websites give you clear, detailed information about how they use cookies, and provide ways for you to signal whether or not you want to allow such use. The website is then required by law to respect your wishes. This might mean they block the cookies you don’t like, or they don’t let you access the site – however you should expect to be given the choice. Some websites will allow you to choose which types of cookies to allow or block, although in some cases if you do this you may not be able to use or see all of a website. If a website you visit is not giving you sufficient information or choice, and the company that owns it is based in the EU, then it may be breaking the law, and you can take action against the owner. This website has been created to help people understand better what cookies are and how they are used by different websites. You can use it to look up your favourite websites, and soon you will be able to search for information about specific cookies to understand what they are used for.
Cookie Notices and Cookie Consent Explained
Cookies are integral to the way modern websites work. Most personalisation and social media integration on websites relies on cookies in one way or another. However they can be used in a way that doesn’t benefit visitors, and they are often used to track people across the web, and build up profiles that are very valuable to brands and advertisers for targeted marketing. This is often seen as an invasion of privacy, and because cookies are a fairly quiet technology – this can be happening to you without you realising it, or being able to stop it if you wanted to. To help you become more aware of this activity, and give you a say in whether you want to allow it to happen, new EU-wide privacy legislation was put in place in 2011. This has become known as the Cookie Law. The Cookie Law requires that websites give you clear, detailed information about how they use cookies, and provide ways for you to signal whether or not you want to allow such use. The website is then required by law to respect your wishes. This might mean they block the cookies you don’t like, or they don’t let you access the site – however you should expect to be given the choice. Some websites will allow you to choose which types of cookies to allow or block, although in some cases if you do this you may not be able to use or see all of a website. If a website you visit is not giving you sufficient information or choice, and the company that owns it is based in the EU, then it may be breaking the law, and you can take action against the owner. This website has been created to help people understand better what cookies are and how they are used by different websites. You can use it to look up your favourite websites, and soon you will be able to search for information about specific cookies to understand what they are used for.
Explicación de los avisos de cookies y del consentimiento de cookies
Las cookies forman parte del funcionamiento de los sitios web modernos. La mayor parte de la personalización y de la integración de las redes sociales en los sitios web se basa en las cookies de un modo u otro. Sin embargo, pueden utilizarse de una manera que no beneficia a los visitantes, y a menudo se utilizan para rastrear a las personas en la web, y construir perfiles que son muy valiosos para las marcas y los anunciantes para el marketing dirigido. Esto se considera a menudo una invasión de la privacidad, y como las cookies son una tecnología bastante silenciosa, puede ocurrirle a usted sin que se dé cuenta, o sin que pueda impedirlo si lo desea. Para ayudarle a ser más consciente de esta actividad, y darle la oportunidad de decidir si quiere permitirla, en 2011 se puso en marcha una nueva legislación sobre privacidad en toda la UE. Esto se conoce como la Ley de Cookies. La Ley de Cookies exige que los sitios web le proporcionen información clara y detallada sobre cómo utilizan las cookies, y que le ofrezcan la posibilidad de indicar si desea o no permitir dicho uso. El sitio web está obligado por ley a respetar sus deseos. Esto puede significar que bloqueen las cookies que no le gustan o que no le permitan acceder al sitio, pero debe esperar que le den la opción de elegir. Algunos sitios web le permitirán elegir qué tipos de cookies quiere permitir o bloquear, aunque en algunos casos si lo hace es posible que no pueda utilizar o ver todo el sitio web. Si un sitio web que usted visita no le ofrece suficiente información o posibilidad de elección, y la empresa propietaria tiene su sede en la UE, puede estar infringiendo la ley, y usted puede emprender acciones contra el propietario. Este sitio web ha sido creado para ayudar a la gente a entender mejor qué son las cookies y cómo las utilizan los diferentes sitios web. Puede utilizarlo para buscar sus sitios web favoritos, y pronto podrá buscar información sobre cookies específicas para entender para qué se utilizan.